by SMO Team
This little article is probably the simplest, but also the most important article in this series of posts.
An investor's mindset is the basis for long-term success.
If you want to be a good investor, you need to know and understand the history and risks of your investment. That's why we always recommend you not only to deal with the current events, but also to study the history of the stock market and the participants.
A positive attitude towards the global economy is crucial. The value economy is growing steadily. The innovative strength of companies and population growth are permanent growth drivers.
Every crisis can be overcome. The global market economy is a self-healing structure that is subject to a permanent and qualitative change process.
In a crisis, the adjustment processes are accelerated and more clearly visible.
Of course, a positive attitude is not enough to be a successful investor. But when that positive mindset is combined with investor fundamentals, long-term success is almost inevitable.
If you make investment decisions on your own, they should be well-founded and solid. To form a good mindset you need to know the past to better assess the future.
Investing means trust. Trust, that you bring to another company. After all, you are giving your capital to this company for the investment period.
And a very important hint: Take responsibility for your decisions. If an investment does not go as planned, it is not the fault of others, but of you. Because you have chosen this investment and you have decided when and how much capital you want to invest. Do not be discouraged. Not every investment can work. Spread the risk and practice money management. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.